Welcome to the North Midlands Area of NAFAS
Welcome to the website of the North Midlands Area of NAFAS where you can find out about floral design and how to become involved.
The North Midlands Area is affiliated to NAFAS (the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies), and is one of the 21 regions in the UK that make up NAFAS. Our Area was formed in 1962 and we celebrated our Diamond Anniversary in 2022. We presently have 43 Flower Clubs.
Our Clubs are spread throughout the North Midlands Area – Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland, South Yorkshire and East Staffordshire. Some meet in the evenings, others afternoons. Have a look at the NAFAS Clubs Page, and you will see if there is a Club near to you. Why not visit, and you will be able to enjoy a relaxing demonstration, using fabulous flowers, by a NAFAS trained Flower Demonstrator. Sometimes, the Clubs run Workshops, where you can ‘have a go’ yourselves; or organise competitions, outings and events. You will be assured of a friendly welcome.
Our Area Teachers learn new ideas at Workshops, organised by our Area Team, to pass on to our Members. Details of current flower arranging courses can be found on the Teachers page.
So if you love flowers – for your home, for church, for occasions, to grow in the garden, or simply want to enjoy watching flowers being arranged, then please browse this site to see where you can enhance your passion, make new friends and enjoy floral creativity.
November Area Council

Di Smith, Jayne Merriman and Pauline Foster – Westminster Abbey Remembrance Service

Gill Mills, Christmas Surprise Demonstration after Council/AGM

The Club with the most points in 2024 for the Marilyn Williams Award – Sleaford Flower Arrangers – Mandy Cooke accepting the Award
The Area 60’s Social Event
Kate Pilton, Third Place in the Razzamataz Area Class at Malvern Show
July Council 1st Place in the competition ‘An English Summer’