Meeting: last Tuesday, if a Bank Holiday last but one, doors open at 6.45 for 7.15pm start held at Ravenshead Village Hall, Vernon Crescent, Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire, NG15 9BN
No. of Members: 93
Date formed: July 1969
AGM: 27 February 2024

Annual Membership Cost: £43  Visitors £7 per demonstration

DateDemonstration Title or ActivityDemonstrator
JanuaryNo Meeting
27 FebruaryAGM and Demonstration Waiting for Another SpringMarie Bradley A
26 MarchThe Age of AquariusRichard Twiselton - Retired N
30 AprilMay to SeptemberAndrew Key A
21 MayA Touch of SpringBeverley Short A
11 JuneEmeral Anniversary Celebration at Floral Media
25 JuneEverything EmeraldJacqui Arnold N
30 JulyFloral BouquetBarbara Collins A
20 AugustEast Meets WestMinh Lane A
24 SeptemberBest of British - Aspects of AutumnHelen Chambers A
29 OctoberEarth’s Boundless EnergyDi Smith A
26 NovemberA Cheshire ChristmasIan Lloyd N

All information supplied by Ravenshead Flower Club.

N = National Demonstrator; OM = Open Meeting